After a slight election slowdown to begin 2019, over the past couple months the electoral calendar has picked up and so has Electoral Services International Inc. (ESI)’s activity. This weekend, two ESI customers will be going to the polls.
On Saturday March 23, 2019, the New South Wales State Election in southeast Australia will be taking place. ESI had the privilege of supplying the New South Wales Electoral Commission (NSWEC) with our plastic ballot boxes (with a unique level of opacity) and multiple colour ballot box lids. ESI’S freight forwarding services had the electoral materials delivered well before the election in ample time for distribution. New South Wales got “Vote Fit” and are “Vote Ready”.
On Sunday March 24, 2019, Comoros will be holding both Presidential and Regional Elections. A second round will be held on April 21, 2019 if no candidate gains over fifty (50) percent of the vote during the first round of the elections. ESI was pleased to be asked to provide several electoral supplies to Comoros including ballot boxes, ballot lox lids, security seals and indelible ink marker pens. ESI safely delivered all of the electoral goods on time to this island Nation off the east coast of Africa. After having received the products, the Commission Electorale Nationale Independente (CENI) appreciated the quality of ESI’s materials.
ESI has previously served both the NSWEC and the CENI in the past several times over. We never take repeat customers for granted. ESI appreciates their continued support. We will continue to work hard each and every time our customers put their trust in us – no matter how large or small the country is, no matter how remote the delivery location may be.
Electoral Services International Inc. (2019)