And just like that, another year has flown by. 2024 was a remarkable year for many reasons.
2024 was often referred to as the “Super Global Year of Elections”. Last year saw more than 800 million people go to the polls in nearly 80 countries to express their democratic right to vote.
In similar fashion, 2024 was also a busy year for Electoral Services International Inc. ESI delivered electoral materials all over the world, namely Africa, the Caribbean, Europe and the South Pacific. Products and services delivered included ballot boxes, indelible ink, biometric voter registration software, tamper evident products and remote offsite support. As is the case in most years, many of our projects were delivered to repeat customers, but in 2024 ESI also welcomed new customers that we look forward to serving for years to come.
As has been the case for over a dozen years, in 2024, ESI continued to support its predecessor (Code Inc.)’s former owner Code who are an international development agency focused uniquely on education and literacy mostly in the developing world.
As we turn our sights to the New Year, 2025 is supposed to be another year full of promising democratic elections. ESI is looking forward to challenging projects, demanding timelines, and successful deliveries across the globe.
To ESI’s customers, agents, suppliers and friends, thank you for another year of positive partnerships. We look forward to a bright future together. Let’s make the year 2025 a memorable one.